Mumbai: Maharashtra Cultural Affairs Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar will visit London on October 1 to bring back "tiger claws" artefacts to the state. Mungantiwar told ETV Bharat on Friday that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's 'Wagh Nakhe' in London will be brought to the state in October. The Minister said that he had received a letter in this regard from the British government.
"The state government was in touch with the British government through correspondence to bring the 'Jagdamba' sword of Chhatrapati Shivarai (Shivaji Maharaj) and the well-known 'Wagh Nakhe' (tiger claws) to Maharashtra. These are the historical artefacts of the Maratha empire and speak volumes about the glorious history of the Marathas. Chhatrapati Shivaji is the source of inspiration and a hero of the Marathi people. Hence, bringing these two historical artefacts from the foreign soil will be widely appreciated by the Marathi," the Minister said.
"'Wagh Nakhe' weapon and Jagdamba sword are currently kept in Britain's Victoria and Albert Museum and these artefacts will brought to Maharastra in October," he added.