Aurangabad: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Thursday clarified his slip of the tongue on Wednesday mixing up Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) with the Election Commission (EC). The statement came amid a backlash from the opposition against Shinde with the CM's rivals accusing him to be obsessed with the EC, which has recognized the Shinde faction as the real Shiv Sena and granted it the party symbol of bow and arrow.
Addressing a function at Aurangabad on Thursday, CM Shinde clarified that he was referring to the MPSC while mixing up the commission with the EC. The slip of tongue happened on Wednesday in the backdrop of protests by the job aspirants demanding that the proposed new pattern of the examination by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission should be deferred till 2025.
Also read:Another jolt to Uddhav: SC refuses to stay EC order recognising Shinde faction as 'real Shiv Sena'