Mumbai: The Mumbai police have registered a case in the death of a 59-year-old man, who allegedly dived himself under a moving bus in Andheri West. The entire incident was recorded in a video that initially showed that the rear wheels of the bus ran over his waist. The video of the incident that apparently took place on December 6 made rounds on Internet before it came to the police's notice.
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The video of the incident that apparently took place on December 6 made rounds on the Internet before it came to the police's notice. The police identified the deceased as Abdul Gaffar Ismail Sayyed (59), who killed himself under the limits of DN Nagar Police Station in Andheri West.
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The police identified the deceased as Abdul Gaffar Ismail Sayyed (59), who killed himself under the limits of DN Nagar Police Station in Andheri West. The video shows the man walking on a busy road and suddenly crawling down under a moving bus. His body has been handed over to the family, the police said. As per the reports, the incident dates back to December 6 and the reason for the extreme step is yet to be ascertained.