Pune: With crocodiles being spotted in some residential localities of Sangli after flooding due to heavy rains, the forest department has set up six centres in such areas to rescue the reptiles and avoid incidents of human-animal conflict, officials said on Wednesday.
Sangli in western Maharashtra was hit by heavy downpour recently, leading to inundation at several places in the district. Later, as the rain intensity ebbed and the water level in villages along the Krishna river banks started coming down, crocodiles were spotted on some roads, in drains, and even on the roofs of houses, triggering panic among people.
According to forest officials, crocodiles inhabit 60-70 km of the river stretch passing through around 15 villages, including Bhilwadi, Malwadi, Digraj, Audumbarwadi, Chopadewadi and Brahmnal. In the past, there have been incidents of human-animal conflicts in some of these areas.
"During the recent heavy rains, crocodiles have swept away along with the flood waters into some villages," Regional Forest Officer, Sangli range, P G Sutar told the media.
Read:Watch Video: As flood water recedes, crocodiles have a field day in Maharashtra's Sangli
In one case, a crocodile was spotted on the roof of a house, but the animal later returned to the river along with the flow of water, he said. Deputy Conservator of Forest (Sangli) Vijay Mane said the forest department has now set up six centres near some flood-hit areas of Sangli city, Kavthe Mahakal, Palus, Kadegaon, Walwa and part of Tasgaon for rescuing crocodiles from these places.
At these rescue centres, teams comprising forest officials, guards and members from NGOs working for wildlife conservation will respond to calls of the presence of crocodiles, snakes, injured birds and other wild animals in human habitats, he said.