Pune: Pune Police ruled out “pro-Pakistan slogans” during the protests outside the District Collector's office on Friday in Pune City where PFI cadres gathered against the recent ED-CBI-Police raids against their outfit. Police Commissioner Amitabh Gupta and Deputy Commissioner of Police Sagar Patil clarified that no such slogans were shouted.
The Commissioner has also appealed to people not to spread such rumors. The clarification comes amid purported videos showing the pro-PFI protestors shouting pro-Pakistan slogans. Earlier, Pune police had registered cases against 60 to 70 protestors for gathering without permission to protest against the raids conducted by NIA and ATS on the offices of Popular Front of India (PFI) in 11 states across the country, wherein some people were also arrested.
Police detained 41 of these protesters during their agitation held outside the Pune district collectorate on Friday. The PFI, formed in 2006, claims to strive for a neo-social movement ostensibly for the empowerment of marginalized sections of India and is often accused by law enforcement agencies of promoting radical Islam.