Mumbai:Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Tuesday said he has ordered an immediate probe into the case of alleged assault on an ex-serviceman by Jalgaon BJP MP Unmesh Patil and his supporters four years ago.
In a video message, Deshmukh said in 2016, ex-serviceman Sonu Mahajan was attacked by Patil, who was an MLA at that time, and his supporters, but the police allegedly did not register an FIR as the BJP was in power in the state then.
Mahajan later approached the Bombay High Court, which ordered that a First Information Report (FIR) be registered in connection with the incident.
"The FIR was registered in 2019. In the last four-five days, I received several memorandums on this issue. So, I have ordered the Jalgaon superintendent of police to probe the matter immediately," Deshmukh said.
State Congress spokesperson Sachin Sawant on Sunday alleged that Mahajan had been fighting for justice since 2016 when he was "attacked on the orders of then BJP MLA Unmesh Patil who went to become an MP".