Mumbai: Maharashtra minister Anil Parab on Tuesday filed a defamation suit in the Bombay High Court against BJP leader Kirit Somaiya for allegedly making malicious, malafide and defamatory statements and demanded monetary damages of Rs 100 crore.
Parab, a Shiv Sena leader, also requested a direction to Somaiya to tendering unconditional apology saying his reputation has been damaged by Somaiya, who is only seeking cheap publicity.
The state Transport Minister has also sought a permanent injunction against Somaiya from making or publishing any such statement against him in future.
The suit, which will come up for hearing in due course, said Somaiya has been making false statements alleging that Parab is embroiled in criminal and corrupt activities.
Parab had last week sent a legal notice through his advocate Sushma Singh to Somaiya, the former MP of BJP. The minister in the suit said he was constrained to approach the high court as Somaiya had not responded to the notice.
Parab's suit said Somaiya had been continuously indulging in a smear campaign since May 2021 by publishing false and reckless allegations on social media by attributing a scam to Parab in connection with a construction of a resort at Dapoli in the Ratnagiri district.