Pune (Maharashtra):After a gap of nearly 14 months, the Koregaon Bhima Inquiry Commission, probing the January 2018 violence near Koregaon Bhima in Maharashtra's Pune district, resumed hearing the case on Monday. The proceedings of the panel, headed by Justice J N Patel (retired) and former IAS officer Sumeet Mullick, could not be held all these days after COVID-19 restrictions were imposed in the state.
On Monday, the proceedings resumed through a semi-virtual set-up with only witnesses and advocates concerned being allowed to present in person. Media persons and the general public were allowed to attend the proceeding virtually. On the first day of the hearing, Rekha Shivle, the then sarpanch of Vadhu village where the alleged incident of vandalising a signboard at the samadhi of Govind Mahar had occurred on December 30, 2017, continued her deposition.
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