Mumbai: Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari on Thursday announced a series of austerity steps to reduce expenses of the Raj Bhavan so as to make more resources available for COVID-19 relief measures.
Some of the measures include deferring car purchase for the Raj Bhavan and not offering bouquets while welcoming VIP visitors at the official residence of the governor during the current fiscal, an official statement said.
These measures are estimated to save 10 per cent to 15 per cent of the Raj Bhavans budget during the current fiscal, it said.
The statement said the governor has instructed to not undertake any new capital work and not carry out any new major construction/repairing work at the Raj Bhavan during the on-going fiscal.
"Only ongoing works in progress will be continued and completed, the statement said.
Koshyari also instructed to cancel the Independence Day reception to be held on August 15, 2020 at Raj Bhavan in Pune, it said.
There will be no new regular recruitment in Raj Bhavan until further orders. The proposal for the purchase of new car for Raj Bhavan be deferred, the statement said.