Mumbai: Amid criticism by the opposition over diversion of big ticket projects like Vedanta-Foxconn and Tata-Airbus to Gujarat, Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday met Adani Group chairman Gautam Adani at Varsha Bungalow in Mumbai. As per sources, the meeting lasted for about one and a half hours.
Industry Minister Uday Samant was also present during this meeting. It is said that the CM discussed various industry related matters and employment generation avenues. The Eknath Shinde led coalition government is under fire for the diversion of the big ticket projects from Maharashtra to Gujarat. Mining giant Vedanta and Taiwan’s world No.1 chip manufacturing company, Foxconn, in mid-September, signed an agreement to set up a semi-conductor plant in Gujarat which the previous Uddhav government had been pushing to be set up in Maharashtra’s Talegaon area near Pune.