Mumbai: Police personnel on Sunday conducted a search operation at the Maharashtra government secretariat here after a caller, later identified as a farmer from Nagpur district, claimed that a bomb was planted on the building, which turned out to be a hoax call, officials said.
'Around 12.40 pm, the Disaster Management Control, Mantralaya, received a call from an unidentified caller claiming that a bomb was planted on the Mantralaya,' Mumbai Police said in a statement.
Teams of police personnel along with the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) reached the spot and conducted a search operation, but it turned out to be a hoax call, it said.
'Search operation at the Mantralaya premises is completed. No suspicious object has been found,' it added.
Meanwhile, the caller was traced to Nagpur in east Maharashtra who turned out to be a farmer who allegedly made the call to draw the attention of the administration to his repeated pleas demanding compensation for his acquired land, a Nagpur rural police official said.
'The farmer was detained within two hours of making the hoax call. He confessed to making the call and said that for a long time, he was worried about the compensation of the acquired land. But no one was listening to his pleas. He made this call to draw the attention of the government and the administration,' the official said.
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