Mumbai:Actor Kangana Ranaut and her brother Akshat Ranaut have approached the Bombay High Court challenging an FIR lodged against them by Mumbai Police for alleged copyright infringement and cheating in connection with a film project.
The First Information Report was registered in March this year against producer Kamal Jain, Kangana Ranaut and her siblings Rangoli Chandel and Akshat Ranaut after Ashish Kaul, author of "Didda: The Warrior Queen of Kashmir", accused them of copyright violation and cheating. The FIR under IPC sections for cheating, criminal breach of trust and conspiracy and also the Copyright Act was registered by the suburban Khar police following an order passed by a magistrate's court on an application filed by Kaul.
Kangana and Akshat in their petition in the HC also challenged the magistrate's order to lodge FIR, and a notice issued by the police directing them to appear for questioning. The whole FIR is lodged on a false case. Copyright infringement can be there only when there is comparative work. The petitioners have not made any work till now. She (Kangana) had only announced on her social media that she was planning to make a movie on Queen Didda, the Ranauts' lawyer Rizwan Siddiquee argued in the HC on Friday.
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