Nashik: There are many success stories of students who appear for Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) but Datta Borse's is unique. He has set an example that if you want to work hard and don't afraid of struggles, you will surely achieve big in life.
Borse has won 7 medals from district level to national level in running competitions with hard work. He appeared for MPSC exam for the third attempt and finally got success. He got the honour of becoming deputy tax officer through Sports quota.
Datta Borse started his struggle from Peth, a tribal area in Nashik district. As the financial circumstances were very poor, his entire family went to Nashik in search of work.
Datta’s father got a job of a security guard and mother used to be a domestic helper.
Datta was also practising of running simultaneously along with his studies. He got success in a national running competition with unlimited hard work.
He won 4 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals in All India University competition. And he also qualified for World University Competition. Unfortunately, due to technical fault, he could not participate.