Mumbai:The Bombay High Court sternly warned Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut that an arrest warrant will be issued against her, in case of failure to appear before the court for the next hearing. Entangled in a defamation suit filed by lyricist Javed Akhtar, the actor was to appear before the HC on Tuesday.
Kangana's lawyer Siddiqui informed the court that the actor is showing Covid-19 symptoms. Siddiqui said that Kangana failed to appear before the court as the report of the Covid test has not yet been received. However, Javed's lawyer Bhardwaj objected to Siddiqui's statement.
The next hearing is scheduled for September 20. Kangana's plea seeking quashing of the case was rejected by the HC on September 9. The HC had reserved its order on the plea on September 1.