Mumbai:In a recent development to the defamation case filed by Bollywood lyricist Javed Akhtar against Kangana Ranaut, a Mumbai court on Tuesday expressed strong displeasure over the actor's absence in the hearing and allowed as the 'last chance' to her plea seeking exemption from personal appearance. The court also directed Kangana to remain present on the next date of the hearing.
The court said that if Kangana fails to appear in the next hearing of the case then she might face an arrest warrant. 'The exemption application filed by the accused is granted for today as the last chance. The accused is directed to stay present on the next date without fail,' the court said. The matter is slated for the next hearing on September 1.
Read:|Kangana challenges warrant issued by court in case filed by Javed Akhtar
Metropolitan magistrate, Andheri, RR Khan, also rejected Akhtar's plea, seeking the issuance of an arrest warrant against Kangana but said that Akhtar can move the plea again if she fails to appear at the next hearing. The court was hearing Akhtar's petition field against Kangana's plea seeking permanent exemption from appearance before court citing professional commitments. An application was also filed requesting the court to issue an arrest warrant against her.