Mumbai (Maharashtra): The Bombay High Court on Wednesday demanded to know from a leading news channel if asking viewers who should be arrested in a case in which a probe is going on, and infringing upon a person's rights qualified as "investigative journalism".
A bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice G S Kulkarni was referring to a hashtag campaign, and several news reports related to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput that the channel broadcast.
The court pointed to the channel's #ArrestRhea hashtag campaign on Twitter.
It also asked the channel's lawyer Malvika Trivedi why the channel broadcast photos of the dead body, and speculated on whether the actor's death was a case of suicide or homicide.
"The grievance is regarding #arrestrhea. Why is this part of your channel news?" the bench said.
"When a case is under investigation and the issue is whether its a homicide or a suicide and a channel is saying it is murder, is all this investigative journalism?" it asked.
Read:Is there a way to check damaging TV content, asks court
The observations came while the bench was hearing the final arguments on a bunch of public interest litigations, seeking that the press be restrained in its reportage on the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput.