Mumbai: The Anti-Extortion Squad of the Mumbai Police booked five men including an accused already lodged in jail for allegedly grabbing Rs 25 Crore worth property of a man through forgery in Umar Khadi area of Mumbai, officials said. The accused have been identified as Muslim Azgar Ali Urmetwala (62), Sherzada Khan (63), Aslam Abdul Rahman Patni (56), Rizwan Allauddin Shaikh (35) and Iqbal Qureshi alias Salim Fruitwala (49), who is lodged in Taloja Central Jail in a crime.
The accused were arrested and produced in court which remanded them to police custody till November 30. The victim Ahmed Yusuf Lambat, in his complaint, said he has ancestral property in Umar Khadi area of Mumbai. The accused submitted the forged documents of the building on the said property in the office of the Second Assistant Registrar.