Pune: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral R Hari Kumar on Wednesday said the Indian Navy is tackling piracy in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) aggressively, and has increased the deployment of warships in the area. Speaking to the media at INS Shivaji after the inauguration of a CO2 based air-conditioning plant built indigenously in collaboration with IISc Bangalore, he also said the anti-piracy act has been helpful for the Navy.
The Indian Navy has two operations going on in the IOR and one of them is an anti-piracy operation, Kumar said to a question. "The anti-piracy operation has been going on since 2008 with constant deployment of herd ships to combat piracy. The presence of warships deters the pirates. Last year, we thought that piracy was almost over, but recently hijacking of an Indian vessel and Indian crew took place. We have increased the deployment and we are now aggressively going after them," said the Navy chief. The Maritime Anti-Piracy Act, 2022, has strengthened the Navy's hands and India is among the few countries that have enacted such a legislation, he added.