Mumbai: The customs officials at Mumbai airport seized two kilograms of gold dust worth Rs one crore from an Indian family, who arrived here from Singapore while another man, who arrived from Dubai was arrested at Pune airport for concealing gold worth Rs 33 lakh in the rectum, officials said. The incidents occurred on September 12 and 11 respectively.
Acting on a tip-off the Air Intelligence Unit of the customs department intercepted a family who arrived at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport on IndiGo flight (6E 1012) from Singapore. The customs officials said that the gold dust valued Rs 1,27,331 crore was concealed in the undergarments of the couple and the diapers of their children aged two years and nine months.
"On September 11, the custom officials arrested the family for carrying gold dust weighing 2 kg to Mumbai from Singapore. While searching the family, officials recovered four packets of gold dust. The couple was produced before court and remanded in judicial custody," an official said.