Mumbai:Bagging two awards, India has ended its dismal record at the Oscars as well as created history by winning the best original song award. Indian cinema has been sending films at the Oscars for over half a century, but this year's performance has been the best so far. Even though Pan Nalin's Gujarati film 'Chhello Show' could not make it to the 95th Oscar Awards race, it was perhaps for the first time that India had three films competing in different segments.
It was a proud moment for the country to win two awards at the 95th Oscar Awards ceremony. The song 'Naatu Naatu' from SS Rajamouli’s epic action drama 'RRR', is the first Indian song to win the best original song award while 'The Elephant Whisperers' won the best documentary short film award. Directed by Kartiki Gonsalves, 'The Elephant Whisperers' depicts human-animal bonding through the story of an orphan elephant and a couple. Here is India's performance at Oscars so far.
Pan Nalin directed 'Chhello Show' missed out the Oscars race at the last lap. The Gujarati-language film is about a nine-year-old boy, Samay (Bhavin Rabari), who is mesmerised by films and filmmaking and sets forth to become a filmmaker, unaware of the difficulties that await him. Interestingly, EO, a Belgian film (and Cannes favourite) about the road trip of a donkey backed by Variance, bagged the Best International Feature Film nomination. The final nomination list included All Quiet on the Western Front (Germany), Argentina, 1985 (Argentina), Close (Belgium), and The Quiet Girl (Ireland).
This apart, Shaunak Sen's 'All That Breathes', which won the Golden Eye award for best documentary at Cannes 2022, was nominated for Best Documentary Feature, but could not win the top prize.