Mumbai: Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Thursday said that if his statement claiming that former prime minister Indira Gandhi used to meet yesteryear don Karim Lala has affected the image of the former prime minister then he withdraws from his statement.
"Our friends from Congress need not feel hurt. If someone feels that my statement has hurt the image of Indira Gandhi ji or hurt someone's feelings, I take back my statement," said Raut.
Earlier today, Raut said that he has always stood up for Indira Gandhi whenever people have targeted her.
"The respect that I have always shown towards Indira Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi and the Gandhi family, despite being in opposition, nobody has done it. Whenever people have targeted Indira Gandhi, I have stood up for her," said Raut.
"Many political people used to come to meet Karim Lala, times were different back then. He was a leader of the Pathan community, he had come from Afghanistan. So, people used to meet him over the problems faced by the Pathan community," he added.