Mumbai: The Bombay High Court will hear on Friday a bail application filed by activist Sudha Bharadwaj, an accused in the Elgar Parishad case.
Bharadwaj, who was arrested in August 2018, moved the HC last week against the order of the NIA court in Mumbai that rejected her interim bail plea on May 29.
The case was scheduled for hearing before a bench led by Justice S S Shinde on Tuesday but the hearing was adjourned to Friday as the National Investigation Agency (NIA), the prosecuting agency, was yet to be served a copy of the petition by Bharadwaj's lawyers.
The activist has sought bail on health grounds, citing high risk of the spread of coronavirus in prison.
Bharadwaj, 58, is currently lodged in Mumbai's Byculla Women's jail where an inmate had tested positive for coronavirus last month.
In her bail plea, Bharadwaj said she was diabetic and suffered from hypertension. These `comorbidities'' (existing health conditions) put her in a high-risk category for contracting the infection, she said.