Thane:The Navi Mumbai police have arrested four persons in connection with the murders of a 54-year-old woman and her daughter, an official said on Friday. The police have arrested Mayuresh Ajit Ghambir (40), an externed criminal, and three of his associates for the murders of Bharti Ambokar and her daughter Priti Mayuresh Ghambir (32), senior inspector Satish Nikam of Uran police station said.
According to the police, Ambokar (54) was found dead near Sarde village on Pirkon-Sarde road on July 10, following which a case of murder was registered. During the probe, it was found that on the day of her death, Ambokar had left her home in Dombivili to meet her son-in-law Ghambir at Poynad, the official said. Ghambir and his associate Dileep Ashok Gujlekar were soon apprehended, he said.