Pune: Pune police has arrested four fraudsters from Bihar for allegedly impersonating as CEO of Serum Institute, Adar Poonawala and duping a senior company official of over Rs 1 crore, officials said on Friday. The accused have been identified as Rajeev Kumar Shivaji Prasad, Chandrabhushan Anand Singh, Kanhaiya Kumar Sambho Mahato and Ravindra Kumar Hubnath Patel.
4 fraudsters held for duping Serum Institute of Rs 1 Cr by impersonating its CEO
The accused while posing as Serum CEO had sent WhatsApp Director of Serum Institute Satish Deshpande asking him to transfer Rs 1.01 crore to different accounts.
An official said the accused hacked Poonawala's mobile number and created a fake WhatsApp account in his name and sent messages to Director of Serum Institute Satish Deshpande asking him to send money to various accounts while impersonating as Serum CEO. The accused have duped him to the tune of Rs 1.01 Crore.
Deshpande said that he received a WhatsApp message from the purported mobile number of the CEO in which some bank account numbers were given to which he was asked to transfer the money. The matter had come to the fore in September after which Pune Police had registered a case.