Mumbai: Day after skipping the CBI questioning in the Cordelia cruise drug bust case involving Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, former NCB officer Sameer Wankhede on Friday approached the Bombay High Court seeking protection from arrest and interrogation. It is learnt that Wankhede filed the plea before a vacation bench of justices Sharmila U Deshmukh and Justice Arif S Doctor through his lawyer Rizwan Merchant.
Also read:Sameer Wankhede accuses senior NCB official of humiliating him over caste
The bench is scheduled to hear the plea in the afternoon, In the meantime, the bench has also sought the response of the CBI in the case. Wankhede also approached the Delhi High Court earlier seeking protection from coercive action in the 2021 Cordelia cruise drug case. The hearing in the case by the Bombay High Court comes a day after Wankhede failed to appear before the CBI for questioning in Mumbai in connection with alleged demand of Rs 25 crore from superstar Shah Rukh Khan for not implicating his son Aryan Khan in the Cordelia cruise drug bust case.
On Tuesday, the CBI, which has filed a FIR againt Wankhede in the alleged extortion case, said that the deal was closed for Rs 18 crore adding that assets to Wankhade were not proportionate to his known sources of income. Pertinently, Wankhede has alleged that then Deputy Director of the NCB Gyaneshwar Singh humiliated and harassed him during an inquiry as he belongs to a backward community.
IPS officer Dyaneshwar Singh was the investigating officer in the 2021 Cordelia cruise drug bust case.