Pune (Maharashtra): With Diwali around the corner, people are busy with festive shopping for sweets, gifts and crackers. Though the Supreme Court has urged people to avoid bursting crackers during Diwali, the spirit of celebrating the festival of lights hasn't dampened. Going by the trend, people are selling edible crackers made of chocolates.
Wrapped in covers that resemble crackers these chocolate crackers are not only a big hit among children, who were upset about not being able to burst crackers, but are also liked by adults. Keeping in mind the effect of bursting firecrackers, people are showing keen interest in buying these edible crackers.
An 85-year-old Murthy's Bakery in Pune has been selling chocolate crackers for the last 10 to 15 years. Vikram Murthy, the owner of Murthy's Bakery said, "People are becoming more conscious about the environment and prefer to invest in chocolate crackers, which are not only pollution free, but also taste amazing. We also wrap these crackers in covers that look exactly like the cover of firecrackers to lend it a realistic look."