Mumbai:Mumbai police deployed humour in its tweets along with a dose of Tom and Jerry, the legendary cat and mouse cartoon strip, to ask people to adhere to COVID-19 norms in the metropolis, especially wearing masks in public, in order to "ride out this storm together".
Indicating that violators will have the police after them, a tweet from the force said, "Please don't go out without a cause or a mask on your face...let's not make it a cat and mouse chase. We really don't like 'Tom-Tomming' about the consequences."
The tweet, with hashtags like #MasksNecessaryJerry #WhatsTheHurryJerry #TakingOnCorona, was accompanied by a 6- second video of perennial 'frenemies' Tom and Jerry, which soon went viral on social media, garnering praise for the men in khakhi for their wit.
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