Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Tuesday said people were fed up of the war of words between the BJP and Congress over the border standoff with China, and the government should focus on handling the row with the neighbouring country and the coronavirus crisis.
An editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' said, "China has been adamant and will never change", and the need is to forget the past, tackle the fresh crisis and create a new future for the country.
The tension between the two sides escalated after the Galwan Valley clashes on June 15 that left 20 Indian soldiers dead.
Referring to Union Home Minister Amit Shah's comments that the country will win battles against COVID-19 and the border row with China under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, the Sena said, "The government should focus on these two battles and not on the opposition party. There is no need to be rattled by questions raised by the opposition party."
Highlighting the statement of a Congress MLA from Rajasthan, in which he demanded to stop the mobile caller tune carrying the message on the need to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and not the patient, it said, "Just like that, somebody should start a caller tune in Delhi that we need to fight China and not political opponents of the government."
"Just like we are bored of the calling tune on coronavirus, we are fed up of the BJP-Congress fight and feel the caller tune needs to change," the Marathi daily said.
"China is intruding in the Galwan valley and making unauthorised constructions. But, instead of giving a befitting reply to China, the ruling party is targeting Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party, it said.
"The BJP is saying China gave funds to the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and wants know what is the relation between China and the Congress. The Congress has hit back saying Chinese companies have donated to the PM CARES Fund. China is erecting bunkers and tents on the borders and the BJP-Congress war is going on every day," it said.