Nagpur:Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday said he has given directions to expedite the process of assessment of crop losses due to excessive rains in parts of the state and assured that the affected farmers will be provided compensation. Speaking to reporters at the Nagpur airport ahead of his visit to Gadchiroli district in the Vidarbha region, Shinde said his government has taken "72 big decisions" in the interest of the people in last three months and he will respond to the opposition's criticism by showing the work done by his government.
He also said that the cabinet expansion will take place at an appropriate time. Asked about the status of payment of compensation to farmers affected due to excessive rains recently in parts of the state, Shinde said he has given directions to conduct the 'panchanama' (spot assessment) of the losses on a war-footing. "The affected farmers will get compensation, they will not be left out. The government stands firm with the farmers," he said.