Pune: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Friday said that swords and shields were used in the battles fought during Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's times but in the fight against the coronavirus, face mask is the only shield.
He made the statement at the Shivneri fort in Junnar tehsil of Pune district, where he paid homage to Shivaji Maharaj on his birth anniversary. Shivaji Maharaj was born on Shivneri fort in 1630.
Thackeray visited the fort in the morning and paid floral tributes to Shivaji Maharaj and his mother Jijabai.
Thackeray said that entire Maharashtra reveres Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj as a deity.
"Numerous kings came and disappeared.... Numerous battles were fought, several kingdoms came and vanished, but there is something special about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj," he said.
"Shivaji Maharaj fought several battles and established ''swaraj''.... There is no need to tell how he fought the opponents. No such battles are being fought now, and there are no swords and shields. But right now we are fighting a battle against the coronavirus and face mask is the only shield in the fight," he said.
"...we will strike whenever it is required, but while defending, we have to use a shield. In this battle, mask is our shield...do not forget that," Thackeray added.
One cannot win a battle by just holding a sword. One needs a determined heart and the desire to win. Shivaji Maharaj continues to provide that inspiration, he said.