Mumbai:Hours after Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) withdrew its call for a bandh to protest against Enforcement Directorate (ED) summon to Raj Thackeray, party leader Bala Nandgaonkar on Tuesday said that MNS workers will gather outside the ED office in Mumbai on Thursday in solidarity with their leader.
"I request MNS workers to come to the ED office at 10 am on Thursday to show their support for our party leader. I also request workers to maintain law and order and remain silent during the assembly," Nandgaonkar said after a meeting of party workers here.
Nandgaonkar said that the party leaders were receiving calls and messages from all over the country after the ED's notice to their party chief.
"We met to discuss the issue and have decided that MNS workers will reach the ED office on Thursday without creating any law and order issue," he said.
The leader also said that he will take full responsibility if the gathering of his party workers creates any trouble.