Pune: `Ugram', an assault rifle developed by the Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) in collaboration with a private firm was launched on Monday, officials said. The weapon, developed at the Armament Research and Development Establishments (ARDE), the DRDO's Pune-based laboratory, is designed to meet the Indian Army's `GSQR' (General Staff Qualitative Requirement) of a rifle weighing less than four kg, said a release.
The operational prototype of the 7.62 x 51mm assault rifle was unveiled by Dr S V Gade, director general (Armament & Combat Engineering Cluster) in the presence of A Raju, director of ARDE. Raju said this was a "monumental moment" for DRDO and ARDE. "We have been working on the design part of assault rifle for the last two-three years and with the help of Dvipa Armour India Ltd, we could realise this product in record time.