Pune: DRDO director Pradeep Kurulkar, who was arrested in May for sharing classified information with a female Pakistani intelligence agent, sexually abused two women by promising them jobs in the DRDO, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra police has said in its 1,837-page chargesheet filed in the court.
Kurulkar was arrested on May 3 by the ATS under the Official Secrets Act for sharing classified information related to Indian missile system and military equipment with a female Pakistani agent. The ATS charge-sheet, which leveled other serious allegations against the tainted DRDO scientist, has made a shocking claim that Kurulkar sexually assaulted two women by promising them in the DRDO.
Also read:DRDO scientist was attracted to Pak spy 'Zara Dasgupta': Maharashtra ATS in charge-sheet in espionage case
According to the ATS charge-sheet, Kurulkar called the two women to the DRDO restroom without any disclosed reason and sexually assaulted them by promising them jobs. The ATS filed the charge sheet in a special court on Jun. 30. The ATS said that Kurulkar was in contact with the alleged Pakistani intelligence agent who introduced herself as 'Zara Dasgupta' and 'Juhi Arora', from June 2022 to December 2022 after being honey-trapped by her.
During his chats with the alleged Pakistani spy, Kurulkar shared classified information related to Agni-6, BrahMos missiles besides the military equipment with the Pakistani intelligence agent, the ATS said. The probe agency said that as soon as the DRDO ordered an internal inquiry into Kurulkar's suspicious phone conversation with the Pak agent, the DRDO director blocked her number, but she got in contact with him through another number.
The ATS further alleged that Kurulkar shared the details of his daily routine with the alleged Pakistani agent despite clear directions against it under the official protocol.