New Delhi: Shiv Sena on Tuesday condemned the murder of two sadhus in Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr, demanding a thorough probe and also said that the issue is not communalised the way it was done in the case of lynchings of two sadhus and a driver in Maharashtra's Palghar.
Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi took to Twitter and wrote, "Terrible news, I expect the UP government will take stern action. Hope some sections of the media and keyboard warriors, don't attempt to communalise this issue and blame the Chief Minister at a time when the state and the country are battling Covid."
Senior Shiv Sena leader and party MP Sanajy Raut also condemned the murder of the two sadhus and said, "Terrible! killing of two sadhus at a temple in Bulandshahr, UP, but I appeal to all concerned to not make it communal the way they tried to make Palghar, Maharashtra incident."
Following the Palghar lynching in which three people were killed including two Sadhus, many political leaders had insinuated it was a communal attack which forced the Maharashtra government to release the names of the accused to prove it is otherwise.