Pune:A Pune court on Saturday sent Vikram Dhawe and advocate Sanjeev Punalekar, the two accused in Narendra Dabholkar murder case, to CBI custody.
After hearing the arguments, Additional Sessions Judge A V Rotte sent the two accused to CBI custody till June 4.
During the course of hearing, Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) Prakash Suryavanshi, appearing for the CBI submitted before the court that Punalekar crossed all his limits as an advocate and advised Kalaskar to destroy the weapons used in the murder of Dabholkar, following which four pistols were thrown and destroyed.
SPP Suryavanshi contended that accused Vikram Bhave showed the way of escape to assailants. "It is a big chain of conspiracy, hence, 5 days of time is not enough. Sanjeev Punalekar's custody is required. He is not cooperating in the investigation. He knows what he has done but is not sharing it during the interrogation. Hence we want more time to investigate him," the public prosecutor told the court.