Mumbai (Maharashtra): The Maharashtra Rural Development Minister Hasan Mushrif has said that the elections to 12,668 Gram Panchayats in the state have been postponed in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"In view of the outbreak of Corona in the state, a request was recently made to the State Election Commission through the State Government to postpone the elections of 12,668 Gram Panchayats proposed between July and December 2020," said Hasan Mushrif in a press release.
He said that if Gram Panchayat elections are held, it is likely that many people will gather in public places through staff training, community use of voting machines, campaign crowds, meetings and rallies. Such crowds can be dangerous in the present situation in the state, the Minister said.
Mushrif added that it takes a lot of time to prepare for Gram Panchayat elections. "A request was made to the State Election Commission by the state government to postpone the elections and issue instructions not to hold any elections for the next six months in view of the coronavirus."