Mumbai:In a dig at senior BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis, who had said that he still feels as chief minister of Maharashtra, NCP president Sharad Pawar on Wednesday said he lacked this trait even though he had served as CM for four times. Fadnavis on Tuesday said that because of the people's love, he did not feel that he had ceased to be the chief minister.
"It's good that the BJP leader still considers himself as the chief minister. I congratulate him. After being the chief minister for five years, Fadnavis still feels he is holding the post. I lacked this trait. I had served as chief minister (of Maharashtra) four times. But I don't even remember," Pawar said.
He also referred to Fadnavis' famous "Me Punha Yein" (I will return) slogan which had become popular before the 2019 Maharashtra assembly elections. The slogan had become a subject of ridicule and inspired many mock-filled messages and WhatsApp memes taking a dig at the BJP leader.
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