Mumbai: The Mumbai police on Sunday arrested Nilesh Paradkar, a Shiv Sena (Uddhav Thackeray faction) leader and close aide of gangster Chhota Rajan for allegedly celebrating Rajan's birthday in Chembur area of Maharashtra, police said. According to police, Paradkar, who is the Shiv Sena in-charge for Navi Mumbai, was arrested by the Tilak Nagar police on Saturday.
The purported video of the incident went viral on social media. Paradkar was later produced before the Bhoiwada court and was released on a bond of Rs 25,000. The Tilak Nagar police accused him of celebrating the birthday of gangster Chota Rajan on January 13. As per police, Nilesh Paradkar had cut the cake for Chhota Raja's birthday on January 13 in Chembur.
On a tip-off, the Tilak Nagar police arrested Paradkar. A case for “disturbing peace” was later registered against him. Underworld don Chhota Rajan is currently lodged in jail in Delhi. Recently at Kurar village in Malad, a kabaddi tournament was organised on the occasion of the birthday of the notorious gangster Chhota Rajan.