Mumbai: The Congress on Sunday claimed the Investigation Officer (IO) of the CBI had found no role of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh in the allegations of collecting Rs 100 crore raised by ex-Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh and closed the inquiry but the Central agency "overrode" the report as part of a "conspiracy".
Maharashtra Congress spokesperson Sachin Sawant has demanded a Supreme Court-monitored probe into the "conspiracy" by the CBI to "override" the report of the IO. He also said Union Home Minister Amit Shah should "take the responsibility and resign immediately".
An FIR was registered against Deshmukh and some unidentified persons on April 24 this year on charges of corruption and misconduct following a preliminary inquiry (PE) that the CBI conducted in compliance with the high court's order.
Singh had alleged that Deshmukh had asked some police officers to collect Rs 100 crore per month from bars and restaurants in Mumbai. Deshmukh resigned in April after the PE was ordered but denied the allegations.
"The Investigation Officer of the CBI in the PE had concluded that there is no role of Anil Deshmukh ji in the so-called Rs 100 cr collection allegation by former CP Parambir Singh and had closed the inquiry," Sawant tweeted.
"We demand an SC-monitored inquiry into this conspiracy to find out at whose behest the CBI changed its stand by overriding the report of the IO (Investigation Officer)? The HC had only asked for a Preliminary Enquiry (against Deshmukh) but filing an FIR by misguiding the high court is a huge crime of the CBI," he said in another tweet.