Panaji: After the demise of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Sunday, the BJP-led coalition in Goa began discussions to find a new leader to replace him. Parrikar (63) died of pancreatic cancer on Sunday at his private residence near here. Officially, he was described to have been suffering from a pancreatic ailment.
He was heading a coalition government comprising the BJP, the Goa Forward Party, the MGP and Independents. A meeting was held on Sunday which was attended by three MLAs of the Goa Forward Party, including its chief Vijai Sardesai and three MGP MLAs led by state Transport Minister Sudin Dhavalikar.
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BJP state organisational general secretary Satish Dhond, Independent MLA and state Revenue Minister Rohan Khaunte and state Art and Culture Minister Govind Gawade were also present. Dhond left in the middle of the meeting and refused to answer media queries on the new leader for the coalition government.
Allies in the Goa government Sunday said they would meet Union minister Nitin Gadkari to discuss the leadership issue, Dhavalikar said. Gadkari is expected to arrive past midnight in the coastal state. Sardesai said that the decision about the next leader would be taken after all the coalition partners meet.
He said one of the suggestions was to make a non-MLA the next chief minister, which was also being considered. When asked whether coalition partners will continue their support to the BJP, Sardesai said, "No one should be taken for granted."