Mumbai: After Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut slammed BJP for attempting to take credit for reopening of the religious places in the state, Leader of Opposition in Maharashtra Legislative Council Pravin Darekar on Sunday said that the state government was forced to take the decision due to huge public backlash.
Darekar's remarks came after he came out of Raj Bhavan following a meeting with Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari.
"What exactly is the role of the state government? What do they think about opening a temple? The demand of devotees was loud. There was pressure from all sides... Many people depend on the temple for their business... There was a huge dissatisfaction so this decision had to be taken... We don't want to claim credit for opening the temples. The people of the state know who was supporting them," he told reporters here.
"Sanjay Raut is in a dilemma. Who wants to take credit first? Pehle mandir Phir sarkar, you are the one who said that. The government had promised another wave, but our pressure was so great that the decision was made to open a temple," the BJP leader said.