Mumbai: In a shocking incident, a 23-year-old medical student was strangled to death by her family members over her love affair in Maharashtra's Nanded district, police said. The deceased has been identified as Shubhangi. The police on Friday arrested the five, including the deceased's father, for the killing that took place on January 22 in Pimpri Mahipal village under Limbgaon police station, 600 km from Mumbai, police said.
According to the police, Shubhangi was in love with a village youth, identified as Tarun, but her family members reportedly are not happy with her choice. They tried to convince Shubhangi, but in vain. The victim was a third-year student of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) and her marriage was fixed.
However, she informed the man chosen by her family that she was in love with another man from her village, the police said. The victim's family was upset after the wedding was called off, he said. Realising no change in her decision, her family members hatched a conspiracy to eliminate her. On Sunday, they killed her, burnt the body and threw her ashes in another village so that no one would be able to trace the evidence.
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A villager informed the police about Shubhangi's disappearance. The police started an investigation into the incident and arrested five people, including the deceased's father in connection with the case. The accused have been arrested under section 302 (murder) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code, he added. Assistant Police Inspector Chandrakant Pawar said that the arrested included the girl's maternal uncle and two cousins.