Mumbai:A court here on Friday remanded police officer Riyaz Kazi, an associate of suspended cop Sachin Waze, in judicial custody till April 23 in connection with the case of an explosives-laden SUV found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence and the subsequent death of Thane-based businessman Mansukh Hiran.
The court sent him to judicial custody as the central probe agency did not seek his further remand.
Read:|Ambani bomb scare: NIA questions officers Riyazuddin Kazi, Prakash Howal
The NIA has alleged that Kazi is involved in the conspiracy of the case, along with Waze, who is the prime accused.
Kazi was involved in destroying the evidence, the NIA has alleged.
The probe agency had earlier said that in its parallel probe it had launched soon after the explosives-laden vehicle was spotted on February 25, it found that they allegedly killed Hiran, who had that vehicle, fearing that he will disclose their plan.