Pune:Union Home Minister Amit Shah took a dig at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in the Parliament by taking the name of Kalawati Bandurkar, a poor widow from Jalka. A day later, a video surfaced where the woman retorted back, claiming Shah lied in the House and that whatever help she received was from Gandhi.
After Gandhi's address on no-confidence motion, Shah questioned as to what Gandhi had done for Kalawati because house, ration and electricity were provided to her by the Modi government. Gandhi had visited Kalawati's house after her husband Parshuram's suicide due to agrarian crisis in Maharashtra's Yavatmal district in 2008.
In the video, Kalawati said that whatever Shah told in the Parliament is a complete lie and it was Gandhi who actually had helped her at that time. She said that Gandhi provided her financial assistance and she started receiving ration after his visit. She said that Gandhi had also arranged electricity connection and a house for her.