Pune:Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Friday met NCP chief Sharad Pawar here, prompting speculation in state political circles. Sharad Pawar's daughter and NCP Lok Sabha member Supriya Sule said the meeting was not a political one. This is the second such meeting between the uncle and nephew after the Ajit Pawar-led group joined the Eknath Shinde-led government in Maharashtra in July.
Friday's hour-long meeting took place at the house of Prataprao Pawar, brother of the 83-year-old Sharad Pawar and owner of Sakaal media group. Sule said Pratap Pawar's wife is unwell and the Pawar family members gathered at his house on Friday for that purpose. Due to her illness, it won't be possible for the entire family to attend the Pawar family's Diwali get-together, she added.
Though we have different political ideologies, we maintain our personal relations. There is a difference between professional and personal life. Every year, members from the Pawar family gather at Baramati for Diwali celebrations. However, this year my aunty is unwell, so we planned to visit her residence, Sule said.