Mumbai:Ajit Pawar, who allegedly went 'missing' since Friday amid speculations by the media, said that the party program that he was supposed to attend was canceled at the last moment on account of his ill health. He rubbished media reports of him missing along with seven MLAs. He said that he was not well after long tours across the state.
The Maharashtra Leader of Opposition's phone was unreachable since Friday, according to sources. According to party sources, he had also canceled all other programs for the next two days without announcing it officially. There were speculations that the NCP leader was travelling along with a troupe of seven NCP MLAs.
Speaking to ANI about NCP chief Sharad Pawar's television interview he said that the veteran politician's stand is also the party's position on the issue. "I watched Sharad Pawar's interview on TV...He is our top leader and if he took a stand on some topic then we shall not discuss that again. That is his stand, and ours too," he said.
Also read:"It seems need of JPC": Sharad Pawar on Hindenburg report concerning Adani group