Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena's division in Maharashtra assembly, its parliamentary party is also staring at a split with several MPs set to petition Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to recognise them as a separate group. A Shiv Sena Lok Sabha member claimed that at least 12 of the 18 Shiv Sena members will meet Birla to submit a formal letter to recognise it as a separate group.
In a pre-emptive move, Vinayak Raut, the leader of the Shiv Sena, wrote to the Lok Sabha Speaker asserting that he was the duly appointed leader of the Shiv Sena Parliamentary Party and urged him not to entertain any representation from the breakaway faction.
You are therefore called upon not to acknowledge or entertain representation made by any other MP(s) or acknowledge or entertain any direction/whip issued by anybody else, falsely claiming to be the leader or the chief whip of the Shiv Sena Parliamentary Party, Raut said, adding that Rajan Vichare was the chief whip of the party.
A group of Shiv Sena MPs on Monday attended a virtual meeting of the national executive chaired by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. The national executive called by the rebel group ahead of the Supreme Court hearing on July 20, also appointed Shinde as the chief leader of the party, a Lok Sabha member said.
At least 12 Lok Sabha members, out of the total 18, are approaching the Speaker on Tuesday with a plea to recognise them as a separate group. We are not splitting the party. We are only asking the Speaker that we do not have faith in the current leader and Rahul Shewale, Lok Sabha member from Mumbai South Central, is our leader, another rebel Lok Sabha member said.
Kalaben Delkar, Lok Sabha member from Dadra & Nagar Haveli, has pledged her allegiance to the Shiv Sena, but had not contested the election on the party symbol. Maharashtra Chief Minister Shinde will be in Delhi on Tuesday and the breakaway faction of Lok Sabha members are expected to meet him.
We will take action against MPs who attend the meeting with Shinde, Sanjay Raut, Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha member, told reporters in Delhi. Shinde, who had led a rebellion within the Shiv Sena ranks, was sworn-in as chief minister on June 30 with the support of the BJP. He has the support of 40 of Shiv Sena's 55 MLAs in the Maharashtra Assembly and Speaker Rahul Narwekar has recognised the faction as the Legislature Party.