Pune: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Friday said the authorities in Pune have decided to complete administering the second dose of COVID-19 vaccines, following which the first jabs will be given to citizens.
The state government is making efforts to get a maximum number of vaccine doses for citizens, Pawar said, after holding a meeting to review the COVID-19 situation in the Pune district. Currently, there are 898 government-run vaccination centres and 440 private ones in the district, he said.
Many are waiting for the second dose of the vaccine. According to experts, if the second dose is given late, its effect won't last for long. Hence, we have decided to first complete giving the second vaccine doses. Once that is completed, the first doses will be administered, said Pawar, who is also the guardian minister for the district.
The district administration has approached private hospitals, where some vaccine doses are remaining and some of these doses will expire soon, he said. Private hospitals that have excess doses that might expire soon have expressed interest in sharing them with the government, and once the fresh stock arrives, we will replace vaccines at private facilities, Pawar said.
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