Mumbai (Maharashtra): Maharashtra cabinet minister and Yuva Sena president Aaditya Thackeray moved Supreme Court on Saturday and filed a writ petition challenging the University Grants Commission (UGC) decision to hold final year exams for colleges and universities in September after they were postponed from earlier this year due to COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown. Yuva Sena is the youth wing of the ruling Shiv Sena and is led by Mr Thackeray.
Thackrey has already written letters to the UGC and the MHRD requesting cancellation of exams and promoting students on the basis of average marks.
The student wing of Shiv Sena contends that "exams conducted in the month of September 2020 will pose further challenges including but not limited to paper checking when to declare examination results and admissions to post-graduate courses and delays therein, network connectivity issues in rural areas in case examinations are conducted online which is unfavourable to students in rural areas versus those in urban areas, risk of increased transmission of COVID 19 among students if examinations are conducted by Universities, colleges offline i.e involving the physical presence of a large number of students in enclosed spaces".
Also read:Over 700 universities inform UGC about status of conducting exams
Mr Thackeray also took to Twitter, asking if the UGC would "take responsibility for the health of each student" and warned that the lives of lakhs of students and teaching staff were at stake.