Pune:Terming the arrest of activists in the Elgar Parishad case "wrong" and "vengeful", NCP chief Sharad Pawar on Saturday demanded that a Special Investigation Team be set up under a retired judge to probe the action taken by Pune police.
Pawar also demanded that the police officers involved with the arrests be suspended.
"It is wrong to imprison the activists on the charge of sedition. Voicing extreme views is allowed in democracy. The action of Pune police is wrong and vengeful. It is a misuse of power by the police commissioner and some of the officers. They had attacked the basic freedom of people and one cannot be a mute spectator to all this," Pawar said.
"We will demand the chief minister that an SIT headed by a retired judge be instituted to probe the police action," he said. "Facts should be verified. The role of the previous government and the investigation team was doubtful. The police officers concerned should be suspended and their action should be probed."
According to Pune police, the Elgar Parishad conclave held in Pune on Dec 31, 2017, was supported by Maoists and inflammatory speeches made at the event led to caste violence at Koregaon-Bhima war memorial in the district the next day.
The Left-leaning activists arrested during the probe had links with Maoists, police claimed, booking them under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.